Scope |
Detail |
Public Health Resilience and Poverty | Impact of Poverty on Health, Strengthening Health Systems, strategy for public health resilience, etc |
Health Administration and Policy | Health administration: Planning, Organizing & Evaluation of health Programs, Distribution and allocation of health resources, Health Care Services, Health Insurance, etc
Health policy: policy implementation, policymaking, policy evaluation, etc |
Entomology on Public Health | Vector control, vector-borne disease, pesticide impact on health, etc |
Epidemiology in Public Health | Distribution and risk factors of communicable and non-communicable diseases, tropical diseases, etc |
Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences | Community health development, health promotion media, health facilitation, healthy lifestyle, social marketing, community learning center, etc |
Public Health Nutrition | Nutrition in the life cycle, nutrition programs, micronutrients, nutrition policy, food safety, food security, stunting prevention, and promotion, food habits, etc |
Environmental Health | Persistent organic pollutant, climate change, and health, environment and child health, environment and reproductive health, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, environmental awareness and behavior change, industrial and hospital waste, etc |
Occupational Safety and Health | Ergonomics, the health of informal and formal workers, industrial psychology, industrial hygiene, etc |
Biostatistics and Population Study | Fertility, Mortality, Immigration trends, Aging Population, Reproductive Health, Global Health Trends, Population Health Management, Biostatistics, etc |
Health Informatics and Data Science | Health data recording & reporting, Big Data in Healthcare, Health Informatics Data Science, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Health Information Exchange (HIE), Telemedicine, Digital Health, Healthcare Analytics, etc |
Maternal and Child Health | Continuum care, safe motherhood/making pregnancy safer, breastfeeding matters, maternal complication and mortality, social determinants of maternal health, maternal and child health programs, family planning, health reproduction, etc |
Other topics related to public health research in coastal and tropical areas | Research in coastal regions, research on tropical diseases, research on environment in tropical areas, etc |
*Selected paper will be published in proceeding indexed by SCOPUS