



Public Health Resilience and Poverty Impact of Poverty on Health, Strengthening Health Systems, strategy for public health resilience, etc
Health Administration and Policy Health administration: Planning, Organizing & Evaluation of health Programs, Distribution and allocation of health resources, Health Care Services, Health Insurance, etc

Health policy: policy implementation, policymaking, policy evaluation, etc

Entomology on Public Health Vector control, vector-borne disease, pesticide impact on health, etc
Epidemiology in Public Health Distribution and risk factors of communicable and non-communicable diseases, tropical diseases, etc
Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences Community health development, health promotion media, health facilitation, healthy lifestyle, social marketing, community learning center, etc
Public Health Nutrition  Nutrition in the life cycle, nutrition programs, micronutrients, nutrition policy, food safety, food security, stunting prevention, and promotion, food habits, etc
Environmental Health Persistent organic pollutant, climate change, and health, environment and child health, environment and reproductive health, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, environmental awareness and behavior change, industrial and hospital waste, etc
Occupational Safety and Health Ergonomics, the health of informal and formal workers, industrial psychology, industrial hygiene, etc
Biostatistics and Population Study Fertility, Mortality, Immigration trends, Aging Population, Reproductive Health, Global Health Trends, Population Health Management, Biostatistics, etc
Health Informatics and Data Science Health data recording & reporting, Big Data in Healthcare, Health Informatics Data Science, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Health Information Exchange (HIE), Telemedicine, Digital Health, Healthcare Analytics, etc
Maternal and Child Health Continuum care, safe motherhood/making pregnancy safer, breastfeeding matters, maternal complication and mortality, social determinants of maternal health, maternal and child health programs, family planning, health reproduction, etc
Other topics related to public health research in coastal and tropical areas Research in coastal regions, research on tropical diseases, research on environment in tropical areas, etc

*Selected paper will be published in proceeding indexed by SCOPUS